3 Top Sights to See While Staying in London

Many businesses organize meetings at conference venues. London is a good choice for such meetings as it is a main center of international business and has much to offer.

Of course, everyone needs some downtime, and the city certainly has plenty of attractions worth seeing if you want to make the most of the time you spend there. With this in mind, we've chosen three attractions that should not be missed. Take a look at them below.

The National History Museum

Apart from conference venues, London has a lot to offer in the way of museums – and this one is a firm favorite with both locals and visitors. The museum is free to enter and you'll need the best part of a day if you want to get the most out of it – even then it's impossible to see it all. Among the highlights you'll find there include the Dinosaurs Gallery and the skeleton of a Diplodocus. (This is affectionately called Dippy, in case you did not know!) There are plenty of different galleries to look around and you can spend many a happy hour learning all about the natural world. It's a superb experience.

The Tower of London

Situated not far from Tower Bridge, this is one of the city's most iconic sights. It is far more majestic and impressive than many of the city's conference venues! London has had the Tower as part of its skyline for nearly a thousand years – a time during which many beheadings and other dramatic events occurred within its hallowed walls. If you are fascinated by the bloody history of the Tower, you will certainly enjoy a tour around it. You can also see the Crown Jewels, which are on display in a glass case; some speculate over whether these are the real Crown Jewels as they are said to be priceless – take a look and consider the possibilities for yourself.

The London Eye

One of the most striking aspects of the city is its skyline. However when you are in one of the city's conference venues, London is not easy to appreciate – even if you are reliably high up on an upper floor. That's why a visit to the London Eye is so appealing, as it gives you the opportunity to see the city from some 135 meters in the air at its highest point. If you have never gone up on the Eye before it's quite an experience – on a clear day you can see for miles.

As you can see, London has plenty to offer along its many business facilities. No matter why you are in town for your conference, you should make sure you have some time to explore the city as a whole as well.

Source by Roberta Stuart

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