Is it Cheaper to Live on a Sailboat?

Living on a sailboat is a lifestyle that quite a few people have adapted to over the past two decades. Some people manage to live on a sailboat as small as 22 feet and find it quite comfortable. Living on a sailboat does take a bit of sacrifice as you might imagine, but for many who choose this way of life, they feel it is worth the sacrifice.

If you plan on staying in the United States waters, you will probably consider living in a marina where you can be hooked up to shore power for everyday conveniences. Living at a marina simplifies things for most people as you may have access to things such as bathrooms, laundry and parking. However, there are some marinas that will not allow “live aboards”.

The warmer weather in places like Florida and California make living there a year-round possibility. For that reason these areas are very popular for many people who want to live aboard sailboats. Some people who live in marinas even manage to work regular full time jobs or run their own business.

How Much Does It Cost?

Is it cheaper to live on a sailboat then on land? That depends on a couple of things. The first thing you have to decide is what common conveniences you are willing to do without. How important are things like refrigeration, cooking, DVD players, air conditioning, access to stores etc. You probably will have to do without one or two of these things depending on where you decide to keep your boat. The next thing to decide is where you will keep your sailboat and if you will be staying in one place or sailing from place to place.

These things will ultimately determine the cost of your decision to live onboard. It is impossible to say exactly how much it may cost since there are so many variables involved. Some people spend as little $500 a month by just getting along with the bare necessities, while others may spend two or three times as much.

As mentioned earlier, some people choose to live in a marina where they can hook up to shore power. This of course doesn’t come free. However, there are other alternatives for power sources if you choose not to live in a marina. Solar panels or a generator may cost about the same as living in a marina or just a little more.

To help you in making a decision about the best place for you to live on your sailboat, you should purchase a cruise guide. A cruise guide will give you a lot of helpful information on different marinas and what conveniences they offer and what is available nearby.

Source by Victor Epand

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