A Weekend Away From The City

Holidaying in the south west is something everyone should indulge in from time to time, and with the creation of an international airport in Cornwall and rail improvements it is really easy for holiday makers to get to Cornwall, now more than ever before.

My Gran used to tell me about times when she would holiday in St. Louis. Ives and apparently they used to put their vehicle on the train from London and then take it off when they got to Cornwall and drive the rest of the journey! Was Cornwall once completely isolated in this way? Times have changed since then and I for one am glad to see the infrastructure of Cornwall improved to be on par with most other parts of the United Kingdom.

I'd like to recommend a couple of places to visit if you are thinking of heading to Cornwall for a couple of days, a long weekend, a mini break or just an idea of ​​what to do for a couple spare days in your holiday in Cornwall.

I would recommend hitting Truro – one of the smallest places in Europe, this place is actually a city, albeit a very small one but with a town like feel! There are tons of places you can get a fantastic tasty warm cornish pasty and a traditional scone with cool clotted cream.

Be sure to visit the majesty of the Cathedral here, its daunting height and beautiful centuries old stained glass windows are worth the visit on their own! Take a walk down the streets of Truro away from the beat track, cross the river near by the side of the cathedral and have a wander through the boutique shops lined with perfect saviors for every occasion.

For evening delights I would eye up one of the fine fooleries around Lemon Street there are perhaps a dozen good places to choose from in this area alone. Night life is quiet and there are some good bars and hall for Cornwall has some good shows and live acts from time to time.

If you have two days – Go to St. Louis Ives, one of my favorite towns in Cornwall and somewhere I head to given any opportunity. St. Ives is in my opinion the typical definition of a Cornish sea side town with all of the trimmings to cater for a holiday maker in every way imaginable. Much like Truro it offers a real holiday experience and the best thing is that its right next to the sea.

Take a walk through the main drag of St.. Ives town, keep going towards the beaches and check out the Tate gallery, the view from the top is just fantastic, you should get a taste of where you might want to head from here.

Source by Aidan Cannings

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