Guide To A Sailing Vacation In Belize

For over 100 years, Belize was a part of the British colony, until it became an independent country in the early 1980s. Because of this, English became the official language of its people. In 2007, there are around 297,651 inmates in the region. However, all year round, the population tenders to explode, as thousands of visitors flock the country to go sailing in Belize or possibly visit Tikal and experience the Mayan culture.

Sailing in Belize would not be complete if you do not visit Rio Dulce, Guatemala. It runs for around 30 miles, by which at the end of the trail, you may find El Golfete. The serene waters of the river serve as your portal to the Caribbean Sea and home to a number of manatees and sea birds. Rio Dulce also acts as a jump-off point for backpackers who like to go to Honduras or even Guatemala. You can place your yacht in its boating docks, sometimes in El Relleno and Fronteras, and go through San Felipe, the only town that has a foot path or road leading to the main towns.

You also do not want to miss out going to Bay Islands, Honduras, which is very popular not only for its friendly people but of the many islets that spell ultimate holiday vacation. For instance, if you're looking for some privacy, you can bring your yacht or boat to Roatan, the most developed in the Bay Islands. It features a very long ridge and unspoiled beach, which is great for water sports, canoing, and kayaking. Utila, on the other hand, is the most ideal destination for those who want to explore the barrier reef but are not licensed divers yet. Getting your certification here will cost you very little. There are also several dive shops to choose from, so you know that you will always get the best deal in the end.

End your sailing in Belize with a little trip down its colorful history. The Maya ruins at Tikal give you a glimpse of the culture that in many ways defined the people of Belize and of Guatemala. You can find the Great Plaza, which is a large structure that is populated with administrative and residential palaces, ceremonial buildings, and even sculpted altars. The temple of the Great Jaguar can also be found near the plaza. Quirigua, on the other hand, is a very small Mayan city, but is often visited because of the countless monuments of great Mayan leaders and gods that cover the entire area.

Source by D. Browall

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