The Automobile Is Still A Great Way To Travel

The Automobile

One of the most exciting days of my life was my 16th birthday when my father took me down for the test and then paid for my first ever driver's license. He even let me drive home that day. Looking back that was one of the last times he ever let me drive his car with him in it. I do not think it was because of the way I bulldo but as a family we all have a passion for driving cars. Even my mother loved driving but as we got old enough to have our license poor mother had to move back another notch in the cue for driving the car. She really mostly drve only when she was alone or with those of us as yet too young to drive.


As a musician I have been so very fortunate to have traveled a lot all over the world. This, or course, means that I spend a lot of time in airports and airplanes. However, I still prefer the automobile as a form of travel whenever possible.

I guess it is just as well that the perfecting of an amphibian car will probably not happen in my lifetime. If it does I certainly will be tempted to see how far I can get through the water as well.

Why The Automobile?

Having performed in 49 of the 50 states in the USA I can share with you a lot of information about roads and places all over the country. When touring as a musician I always dove whenever possible. There have been many days when I have gotten up, driving 300 miles, had dinner, performed, went to the reception and then finally to bed only to get up the next day and do it all again.

For me there is just no experience like seeing the world from a car. You can stop and go when you like and take whatever route takes your fancy. You get to meet a wonderful lot of fascinating people and really see and experience the country you are in.

Whenever I can I still drive to the next engagement even though most of my friends would rather get on the plane and just get there. I just love to drive and look and listen and meet people.

Certainly when traveling in other countries there is no better way to enjoy the experience than to take a car and drive either for pleasure or to get to the next destination.


I have no idea how many miles I have driven but I would guess it would be getting pretty close to two million. For me I hope there will be at least a million more. Hopefully I will have the joy of meeting you en route.

Source by Dobbs Franks

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