Should the Olympic Games Go Ahead?

Athletes are trained to their best and the excitement of the Olympics is such that calling it off would be catastrophic in their eyes. There is also a huge investment of money, time, organization, and a country's resources ties up in it. Weigh that, however, against the threat to the world's health and where are we? Confusion and a dogmatic committee that sets to oversee the Games is competing with common sense and the risk that the Zika virus poses.

While the virus was bound to the South American countries of Brazil, Venezuela, and elsewhere, the question is did the OGC know about the virus before they awarded the games to that region? There is the possibility that a huge fraud and conspiracy has been committed on the part of the government of Brazil who may have withheld the information so that they could get the contract.

In the event of the latter being the case what are the legal responsibilities facing it if it is determined that the Olympics? If it is decided that it must accept liability and pay compensation to move the games to another venue? On the other hand, what can people do to present a claim if they go to the games and contract the disease?

Surely these things must be put on the table before anyone travels there and returns to their own countries to spread the disease further. While many have already done this as officials, organizers, caterers, and even athletes, have already been and are now carriers the virus is appearing in countries like China and Australia among others.

To call the Games off would seem to be the most sensible solution but the likelihood of that happening is remote from the feed-back. There is no precedent for it in history, except for the Second World War which saw the Games not go ahead for a few years. Surely the threat that this virus poses is akin to a war of immunity proportions and warrants someone calling it off.

Does the world's health matter so little when weighed up against the money invested that no one has the courage to say no?

My reincarnation and knowledge that we are in the last days is one of the reasons to speak up. It is, however, impossible to change the events that are part of the trap to bring it about. It is my opinion that the Zika virus, along with other things, will do just that. We can not stop the inevitable.

Source by Norma Holt

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