A School Ski Trip – FAQs

If you're considering embarking on a school ski trip for the first time, some of the following FAQs and answers might prove useful.

Where do such trips go to?

Perhaps traditionally the French, Swiss, Italian and Austrian Alps were the main destinations – and they remain a large part of many school ski trip itineraries. However, over recent years new destinations for schools have opened up, including places such as Andorra and North America.

How do you decide which resort is best?

There is now so much choice that it has to be approved that it's not always easy to choose! A good start point is to find a specialist provider of school ski trip itineraries and ask for advice. Some resorts are quite simply better-equipped for some types of requirements than others – for example, the age-range of your party might make a difference. A specialist will help match your requirements against available options.

Does everyone need some experience?

No, not at all! Many resorts have excellent 'nursery slopes' and they'll take the students slowly up the skills ladder starting with complete novices.

Will the children have to buy their own equipment?

No, as organized trips will or can make arrangements for equipment hire. However, participants will usually need to invest in their own warm apparel.

Is air travel essential?

No, and that might be a blessing if you have students with flying phobias. Most of the Alpine and Pyrenean resorts can be comfortably reached by coach within manageable timeframes from the French channel ports. Of course, North America does involve a lengthy plane journey.

What sort of accommodation is provided?

This varies hugely depending upon the trip you've selected and the resort. As a general rule, accommodation is in shared (segregated) dormitories or small group-rooms. The standards are typically high if you're traveling with an established and experienced provider.

What's to do apart from skiing?

This is another important thing to take advice on and keep in mind when selecting your resort. Younger people need to be kept occupied if boredom is to be avoided, and not all resorts around the world needlessly have the same facilities for non-ski activities. Some, though, do offer excellent additional things to do, including trips to local towns or cities, swimming, non-ski snow sports, cinemas, discos and so on. Once again, take advice on this one.

How challenging will the food be?

It's very unquestionably to be a problem. Skiing and snow sports burn huge numbers of calories and there before the food is usually ample and calorie-carbohydrate intensive. It will also be usually of a type most youngsters will be very familiar with, including pasta, pizza, soups, meat and chips plus plenty of pastries etc. It's not going to be controversial for the vast majority of typical participants on a school ski trip.

Source by Susan Joubert

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