10 Golden Rules That Can Turn a Novice Into a Master Traveler

Even savvy travelers are not born as masters. Few overseas travel experiences, proven rules, and standards, and the local guides help them grab the title of being a master from a novice nomad. The travel aficionado minds are born of countless tiny errors, insane mistakes, and cultural unawareness and missed buses.

Nonetheless, the mighty always leaves a giant bucket list of learning, lessons, and experiences that will resist a novice committing the same.

We bring the spotlight to the ten golden rules that could help you turn into a master traveler.

  1. Book Flights 3-4 Months In Advance

Booking the flights earlier lets you get the absolute cheapest fare. So, why not plan 3-4 months before and schedule the trip wisely!

  1. Book a Group Travel Package

Choose your vacation from the best holiday packages that pack exciting deals and offers. Especially group travel packages are cheaper than solo or duet packages.

  1. Get a no-fee ATM card

There's no sense of paying a bank fee. Get an ATM card that does not charge any fees. This way you can save and use that extra money for your traveling.

  1. Get City Attraction Cards

If too many tourist places and attractive destinations are on your to-do list in a short period of time then city pass will save you from hefty entrance charges plus it will save your bucks on commutation as well.

  1. Carry emergency cash

Emergencies never knock the gate beforehand. Imagine the time when you do not find an ATM nearby and need money for the bus to the hotel or hostel you are staying. You will perpetually end-up with no option left. Better to keep the emergency cash.

  1. Get Vaccinated

The charges of hospitals in a foreign country are inevitably higher than in your own country. So, better shield yourself with vaccines your doctor recommends and save yourself from falling prey to an illness. Also, we suggest you keep those medicines that cure you well, do not rely upon to get the same medicine brand abroad.

  1. Take pictures of your luggage

If your bag gets lost, this will help identify it more easily and speed up the process of having your travel insurance reimburse you.

  1. Search Incognito

Hide your browsing history from websites while you search for flights. By using incognito mode on your PC you restrict those websites to track your cookies and raise the price on you.

  1. Always Take A Power Bank

The zero battery in mobiles and DSLR's are a real mood spoiler. Carry a power bank and keep your mood good.

  1. Avoid Taxis

Taxis are always a budget buster. They run you out of a budget. Better to use city transport to get going.

Source by Devon Stewart

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