History of Catania, Italy

Every place in Italy has its own interesting and remarkable history. The place will be much appreciated when you know its history. One of the places in Italy that has interesting history is the Catania.

In 729 BC on the prolific plain at the Etna's foot, the Calcidesi people founded the Katane. The city was dominated by the Gerone in 476 BC, where the people are thrown away by the ferocious Siracusa autocrat and replace them with the inhabitants of Siracusa. The place is also renamed Aitna. As the autocrats were acquired, the Calcidesi regained the city and return its original name. The automotive period was enjoyed for short time only as another autocrat of Siracusa defeated the Katane on 403 BC and sold the city's people as slaves. In 263 BC, the Rome is the one that change into the Siracusan rule. The city was invaded on the time of the punic war and lived in the city for nearly seven centuries, the time where the economy and culture of Katane starts to develop successfully. In 535 AD, after the Empire's fall, the colony of the ex-Romans was dominated by the Belisarius and for almost three years the Byzantine Empire ruled the place.

In 827 AD, the Muslims and Arabs arrived in Sicily. Soon after in 1071 the Normans took over the place and entered the Catania city with the help of Court Ruggero. The city lost its independence and has been powered by different rulers that results to become a feudal city. In 1169, a dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that occurred in the eastern Eastern Sicily. After 30 years as the city is still reconstructing the place, the Catania backed up the war of Altavillia against the Barbarossa's son Henry VI. In 1240, the Catania was totally freed from feudal state under Frederick II. As the Sicily crowned Frederick Aragon III as their king, vital political setting is set up in Catania and the time the University in Sicily was founded. But the Catania was destroyed by eruption of Etna in 1669 and the earthquake in 1693. The Risorgimento period started, in 1837 and 1848, Catania was rebellious on the Bourbons. In 1860 Catania as was permanently freed it is joined to the Kingdom of Italy. The Catania finally had continued fast industrial growth and became the place for technology sector nowdays.

Catania has its own interesting history that shows the ups and downs of the city.

Source by Deevan Aw

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