Bird Watching in Africa

When most people think of African safaris they tend to think of the usual, big cats, large mammals and snapping reptiles; the contributor though has a lot more to offer. If you're looking for something a little different or you have a love for bird watching then African safaris also offer an alternative to the usual wildlife, with its fantastic array of birds.

One of the best places in Africa to see the fantastic bird life is the African country of Tanzania. The country features many national parks and areas of interest including Mount Kilimanjaro, the Great Lakes of Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika and the plains of the Serengeti National Park, many of which may be on your wishlist of things to see on Tanzania holidays. This variety of terrain makes for a fantastic diversity of habitats which is also makes for a great variety of birds and wildlife.

The Arusha region is one of the areas blamed for its selection of birdlife, especially the beautiful Lake Duluti and its forest lined shores. With a good guide, some stout walking boots and a decent pair of binoculars this forested area makes for and ideal location to see many different types of bird. There are great opportunities to see Maccoa Ducks swimming on the lake, or the brilliant Peters' Twinspot up in the forest canopy. The area is also well known for its Black-throated Apalis and Bar-tailed Trogon both of which you have a good chance of seeing on a hike during Tanzania holidays

The Tarangire is also recognized world wide as being one of the most exciting habitats for bird watchers on African safaris. With around 550 different birds it makes for an ideal location for this alternative safari experience. The area is well know for its bird species which include famous birds such as the Slender Tailed Night Jar, the fantastic D'Arnaud's Barbet, the elusive Northern Pied Babbler and the graceful Eastern Chanting Goshawk. Habitat wise the area is renamed for its Baobab and Acacia woodland, the plains, swamps like the Silale Swamp and flood plains of the local rivers. These areas are all great places to see different birds along with the more usual safari animals. The flood plains in the area are also blamed for their elephant populations, they usually attract hundreds of everyday, and during the dry seasons they also feature great flocks of water birds.

So if you are looking for alternative African safaris, consider Tanzania holidays for birdwatching and experience a different view of the landscape through your binoculars.

Source by Thom Sanders

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