Cruise Travel Essentials – What to Pack

Cruises are exciting trips for individuals and families. As with any vacation, consideration should be taken when packing to make sure packing is done with some though. Planning your packing list beforehand will save you from worry and allow you to have an enjoyable vacation.

First of all, consider the weather and the time of year when packing for your cruise. It is important to remember that the weather at your ultimate destination may be very different from the weather on the cruise itself. Make sure to pack accordingly for every area where the ship will travel and stop. If you are traveling during the summer, make sure to bring sunscreen. It is surprising how many travelers do not think to bring sunscreen simply because they are on the ocean.

Check into activities that will be offered and make sure to bring the appropriate clothing and items necessary to participate. Does your cruise have a swimming pool? Is the cruise formal? Are there dances or social activities? Doing some research beforehand will help you to pack everything that is needed to enjoy all your cruise has to offer.

Cruise ship staterooms are small, so the key is to keep the packing light and make sure that what you bring is useful and essential. Be sure that you bring enough toys or games to amuse your children. There will be lots of activities on a cruise ship, but there is also the potential for lots of downtime when your children will need to amuse themselves. Account for this in your own planning as well, and bringing a couple good books or crossword puzzles.

Another item that's important to bring on any cruise is something to prevent sea sickness, such as pills or wristbands. Even if you have never experienced motion sickness before, it is always a possibility that you will be affected at some point on your trip. These items are relatively inexpensive, so it is a good idea to have some on hand.

Some items are basically essential for travel but should be taken using caution. These items would be things such as cameras, money and cell phones. You will definitely want a camera to take pictures of both the cruise itself and the destination. Consider what types of cameras would be best. Some choose to bring disposable cameras rather than risk losing or damaging a nice camera. However, if you are going on a cruise with lots of sights to see, such as an Alaskan cruise, this may be the time when you would need a good quality camera the most. You may be sorry if you do not bring a good camera, and it will be worth it as long as you take precautions to store the camera safely.

You will need money in some form both for extra incidental expenses on the boat as well as souvenirs, food and activities at your destination. Make sure that you research the safest type of money to carry and which forms of payment are accepted on the cruise. A travel agent will be helpful for advice on safe ways to travel with money.

Source by Carlyn McKinley

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