Educating Yourself in Yarra Valley Winery Tours

People have different reasons in joining such tours as the Yarra Valley winery tours. There are those who are in it for the education and those who just wish to relax while enjoying the best food and wine. Most of the time though the people who signed up for these tours to have fun also want to learn. The others who may already have some kind of knowledge about wines usually want to find out more. These people are the best audience for winemakers because they are not only a captive audience, but they also ask quite the best type of questions.

The Things You Can Expect to Learn

– The Kinds of Wine and How They Were Produced

If this is your first time to join in a winery tour and you are one of those who wish to educate yourself on the trip, then you should at least know what you can expect to learn. The most obvious thing you can expect to learn is about wines. Aside from knowing the entire process of winemaking, starting from the vine to the bottle, you will also learn about the different kinds of wines including the cool climate variety that the region is known for. You will also be taught which wines go best with which type of dishes.

– Find Out About Farm Life and How the Freshest Produce Are Made

You will also learn more than just wines. Depending on your tour itinerary, you will also be able to learn about how the freshest products of the valley are made like the cheeses and the jams that are made from strawberries and other fruits. You will also get to know how chocolates are made as you visit the different chocolatiers in the region. Aside from this, you will also get to experience first-hand about more about how life is lived in the farm.

– Immerse Yourself in Culture and History

Yarra Valley is also rich in culture and history. Here, you will not only be able to enjoy the beautiful sceneries brought on by the wine estates or even the Yarra River. You will also be able to take a ride and know more about the oldest working steam train in the country, the Puffing Billing Steam Train.

Having Fun While Learning

The great thing about these winery tours is that you are guaranteed to have fun while enriching your knowledge and it is open to just about anyone, whether you are a local or a tourist. You will get to taste the wines, chocolates and produce you will be learning about as well as enjoy every experience along the way. You can even get to stay overnight in the winery estate of your choosing if you want to extend your stay from the usual day trip.

Source by Amber L Jane

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