How to Travel For Free? 10 Tips to Make the Journey Cheaper

You love traveling, wish to spend an unforgivable holiday, but do not have enough money? In this article are provided tips, how to arrange your journey the way that allows you to explore the most interesting places and on the other hand – spare the money.

1. House exchange

Thanks to this solution you can travel all over the world. There are many Internet sites that mediate in house exchange, like: "", "", where you can easily find people willing to switch their house with yours for holiday. It is highly recommended especially for big families.

2. Free accommodation

On the Internet you can also find many websites where people offer free accommodation, dining, common sightseeing etc. The rule is simple: I am hosting you in my country and you can repay me with the same – it is fair! If you are interested in this form of cooperation, visit: "" or "".

3. Job for accommodation

This solution is preferred by students, because it is a good way to earn money while traveling. But you should remember that this type of activity is usually exhausting and limited only to countrysides where located companies offering seasonal job. And there will not be a lot of time for exploring the country …

4. Tent

Universal and still popular among the globetrotters in the whole world. It gives you full mobility, allows to spare a lot of money and ensures that no matter what happens during your journey, you will not be homeless. Sleeping in the tent is also a great chance to meet (on some campsite) other travelers and make friends. It is always good to firstly gain some information about the rules awaiting in the country you wish to visit. For instance, in Sweden obtains so called "everyone right" (Allemansratten) that allows tourists to install the tent for one day anywhere, for free.

5. Hitch-hiking

Easy and often funny way to travel for free. Still, choosing it you should consider, if in the country you want to explore it is common that the drivers take the passengers. For instance in: Italy, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Portugal, ex-Yugoslavian countries or in Asia you can travel freely. But in France, Germany or Austria – forget it. Remember also not to hitch-hike alone. It is safer to travel at least in pair. The best option for hitch-hikers is to travel with the truck drivers. They always have CB-radio access so it can easily arrange you another car that goes to your destination.

6. Free sightseeing days

Every well known museum has its own special days, free of charge for exploring. If you plan your journey carefully, check all the opportunities on the Internet before, you can use those occasions and arrange wonderful, cultural trip – absolutely for free.

7. Cheap flights

Today it is probably the most popular form of traveling. You just need to check the systematically (they are changing all the time) and hunt the most appropriate and gainful for you (Internet – again). Thanks to low-cost airlines you can travel to many countries in Europe, Africa or Asia and spare money needed for the entertainment.

8. Free-food points

Good way to spare the money and try new, usually exotic food. Many large cities, especially during the festivals or other celebrations provide the special points with free dining for the participants. These stations are usually organized by religious groups (like Hare Krishna believers). The food is delicious!

9. Voluntary

Recommended solution mainly for the open-mind students (because this type of journey takes minimum 2-3 months), willing to confront with completely different culture and make something good, not just watch sights. Currently there are many organizations recruiting the volunteers to work in faraway, undeveloped countries. Main goal of this type of travel is help, in every single way: teaching the children, building schools, hospitals and houses, gardening, implementation of water reticulation and much, much more. For everyone who chooses this option it will be certainly an unforgivable, precious experience that lets to get close to local community, live like those people do and re-arrange the own value system.

10. Roadshow tours

If you are willing to see many interesting places in a short time, this is for you. It is not as exhausting as the other options provided in this article. For instance, railways in most of countries in Europe provide special tickets for one week trip to all of the most important European capitals. Discounts for students are usually available.

Source by Kamila Kaczmarczyk

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