Prague Travel


Prague is one of the only eastern cities that, in the last 600 years, has been undamaged by war or natural disaster. As a result, the city's architecture is a historical monument, speaking in every aspect. Prague is divided in half by the River Vltava. The districts of Hradcany and Malá Strana lie on the steep incline off the left side of the river. Hradcany, sitting at the top of the incline, was once the dwelling place of Prague's former aristocracy. Malá Strana is below Hradcany, and it serves as Prague's religious and governmental center. Off of the right side of the river – the flatter, greener plain – lie the districts of Staré Mesto, Josefov, and Nové Mesto. Staré Mesto is the center of Prague's architectural beauty, centered on the Staromestské námesti square. Josefov, the city's Jewish district, is located within Staré Mesto. Nové Mesto is the most modern district of Prague and the most popular district among tourists.

Sightseeing Attractions

The Staromestské námesti square is worth visiting for its brilliant historical architecture alone, but there are also specific sites within its walls that are appealing to tourists. The Astronomical Clock puts on a show at the turn of every hour, and it's worth a few minutes to check out its workings. Josefov is home to both Europe's oldest active synagogue and the extensive Old Jewish Cemetery. The Charles Bridge that connects both sides of the river is a popular tourist attraction. Finally, the castle and cathedrals located at Hradcany are still-standing representations of Prague's aristocratic history.


Most of Prague's markets, restaurants, cafés, and pubs are located in Staré Mesto, which is a great place for dining and drinking. There are three types of restaurants in Prague: typical restaurants, wine restaurants (the more upscale dining options), and pubs (serving food but primarily concerned with drinking). Pubs are great places to indulge in some of Prague's local bees, but most close early. For late-night drinking, you'll have to head out to one of the city's night clubs, located primarily in Nové Mesto. While Prague hosts a wealth of department stores and halls, its markets are the best places to shop for souvenirs. Many of these are centered in Staré Mesto and around the Charles Bridge. Prague's president is a playwright, and that their theater scene is thriving. If you're going to be in the city in the latter half of May, check out the International Music Festival, a weeks-long celebration of food, dance, and classical music.

Source by Jessica Elliott

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