Safari in South Africa – The Main Reasons Why You Probably Want to Choose Kenya For an Exciting Trip

A review about some of the most celebrated and stunning areas for a South Africa safari: an explosion of nature named Kenya.

Kenya is without question one of the earth most well-known safari location. The actual reason for that is very elementary: Kenya’s environment encloses by itself practically all the facets that makes the Africa the most amazing location in the entire world.

In Kenya we are able to come across the fantastic Masai Mara National Park, an outstanding weaving of life and landscapes that have stimulated numerous poets and movie directors.

In this review we will show why this park, and Kenya in general, are a must for your safari in South Africa.

Masai Mara National Park

This is among the most famous park of all Africa.

Wide-open savannahs that alternate with grasslands regions, there you can certainly sense the actual African wilderness and wild animals.

Among July and October a large number of wildebeest, gazelles and zebras break into the park from the Serengeti plains; here, because the reduced dimensions of the Masai Mara region, taking a look at wildlife is much better and simpler.

And while this happens, during the Great Migration, we remain open-mouthed looking at this natural show of unequalled beauty.

Masai Mara wildlife and birds

The flatlands are full of wildebeest, zebras, impalas, topis, giraffes, Thomson’s gazelles. Furthermore frequently observed are leopards, lions, hyenas, cheetah, jackal and bat-eared foxes.

By far the most spectacular game however is for sure the Black Rhino, a magnificent and great African creature.

The big hippos are abundant in the Masai Mara National Park waterways with the ferocious Nile crocodile, that lay down ready to assault while the wildebeest get across their rivers to search for new pastures.

Every July, the wildebeest traveling around six hundred miles (960km) from Tanzania’s Serengeti flatlands, northwards to the Masai Mara. In October or November, as soon as they have feasted and the grass has nearly gone, they turn around and go back the other way.

There are lots of various amazing birds to look out in the Masai Mara environment, like Lilac Brested Roller and lots of big species like Eagles, vultures and Storks for a total of 53 different birds of prey.

The jewel of Kenya

So, Masai Mara has become the most famous parks in Africa, its popularity and its particular individuality makes this region a must for almost any visitor heading for Africa.

There are a wide range of safaris to Kenya, many of them, of course, run through the Masai Mara; all you have to do is relax and have fun, for anything else you can find our own qualified guides, who will take you to one of the most evocative and wild destinations on the Masai’s territory.

Source by Neidorl Crasserst

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