Some Simple Travel Packing Tips

1. The first of our travel packing tips will maximize the room available inside your suitcase by simply folding your clothes in the same way that the clothing stores did when you first but bought them

2. The second of our travel packing tips is what we call the interlocking method of packing. To do this you simply lay two articles of clothing flat and then when you wrap them, you wrap them into one another, this provides a sort of cushion effect and helps to stop wrinkles and creases from forming.

3. Tip three amongst our travel packing tips is another simple way of stopping your clothes from becoming terrible wrinkled once they are squashed into your suitcases, and this it to just place a layer of tissue in between the garments before you wrap them, and also in between each layer.

4. Tip number four and again, simplicity itself, is to pack things in reverse chronological order, so whatever you think you will use last, you put to the bottom of the case, and conversely whatever you think you will be using first, you pack towards the top of the case. This could save you a lot of time grubbing around for things and disturbing everything else when you are searching for something and are not quite sure where you put it.

5. Tip five is to pack everything tightly. You'll be surprised how things will squash together when you force them, and this can create quite a lot more space for some smaller items, and, strange though it may sound, packing things tightly together will also help to reduce the amount of wrinkling .

6. Tip six our travel packing tips is to use whatever space you can, so for example, stuff your sox or items of underwear inside your shoes.

7. Finally, tip seven is to do with your travel documents and other things of value or necessity such as jewelry, keys, traveller's checks, and any items of medication. Do not pack these in your suitcases, especially if they are going in the aircraft hold. They may end up getting lost in transit. Always keep these sizes of items in your hand baggage. It could save you an awful lot of worry.

And remember (one bonus tip), it is always a good idea to put a name and address label on the inside your suitcase and to ensure your case is tightly zipped, and locked. You never know, if your luggage goes astray, and the outside label comes off, there's still an outside chance of recovering it if the label inside is discovered.

Happy packing!

Source by Arthur Townlands

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