Time and Money – The Two Things You Must Have to Travel

"He who does not travel does not know the value of men." – Moorish proverb

If you had more time and more money, what would you do more of?

The overwhelming response is:


Almost everyone wants to travel more. But there are two things most people need more of that essential to travel:

1) Money
2) Time

Let me explain that money really is not the issue for many people, although most tend to think that it is the # 1 thing that they need more of to travel.

This simply is not true. Travel agencies have programmed us into thinking that travel is expensive. They try to make us think that it costs $ 4,000 plus round-trip airfare for a short 10 to 14 day vacation.

Travel agencies try to sell us travel. The fact of the matter is – trying to sell travel is like trying to sell air – it's completely unnecessary.

But they certainly try to charge you for it.

World travel can be done for only $ 1,000 a month – or less. No, this does not mean that you'll be sleeping on the streets and eating out of dumpsters.

Instead, you'll be doing everything you want to do, and travel very comfortably as well.

When you cut-out those ridiculously over-priced packaged tours, you pay what the locals pay. In some countries you can have a full-blown buffet at a nice restaurant for a measly $ 0.50, or book a 3-star hotel for $ 10.

When you know how to do it, the cost of world travel averages to only $ 1,000 a month (there are others who travel without spending anything – do a Google search on Peter Jenkins for an example).

As you can see, when you know how to travel independently, money is not the problem.

The # 1 thing people need to travel is – TIME.

Earning $ 1,000 a month is easy. What you need is the time to travel. We're not talking about a once a year two-week vacation. I'm talking about traveling as much as you like, when you like.

The biggest problem most people have with getting the time to travel is their job.

You could earn more than enough money to travel the world at your job, but you do not have the time. If you quit your job to have the time to travel, you do not have the money.

If I was making $ 10,000 a month at a job I hated that would not let me travel, or if I could make just $ 2,000 a month and have the time to do anything I please, I'd choose the latter.

What you need is a way to make money while traveling. Let's say you earn only $ 2,000 a month – but you do so from anywhere on the planet. It only costs about $ 1,000 a month to travel the world. So this way you'll have the time and the money (with $ 1,000 left over each month) to travel anywhere you want to, at any time, for as long as you desire.

Most of us are simply clueless when it comes to making money while traveling. However, there are scores of ways to do. Do a Google search for "travel jobs" and "adventure jobs" to find several opportunities that allow you to travel while earning money. Pick one or two potential jobs and study them.

Some jobs that earn you money while you travel are: internet marketing, travel writing, internet stock photography, online auctions and work as a group travel organizer.

When you make money while traveling you will have an abundance of the two essentials to travel – time and money, and you'll be able to travel where you want, when you want.

Source by Thomas C Carroll

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