Traveling In Moscow

Moscow is a beautiful city just waiting to be discovered. It's a very easy city to navigate with a very efficient metro, the usual taxi services, an easy airport to city transport service and a rather unique taxi taxi arrangement. There's even an English speaking hospital system if the unexpected occurs.

Taxis – In Moscow, the traffic is renamed for being heavy, so there's a high risk of being stuck in a traffic jam. As for being taken for a financial ride, there's a chance of that happening, too. If your taxi does not have a meter, come to an arrangement regarding the fare before you get in the taxi. If your taxi does not have a meter, keep an eye on the scenery to make sure they are not driving around in circles. English is not widely spoken so have your destination address written in Russian and ask your hotel if they can give you an idea of ​​the approximate fare.

Citizen Taxis – Another alternative to getting around Moscow is to wave down a private car. Simply stand on the side of the road, wave and cars will stop. Tell the driver where you would like to go and negotiate a price. It helps to know some Russian to avoid misunderstandings. Incidents are apparently pretty rare, but it still helps to keep your wits about you. Again, have your destination address written in Russian.

Moscow Metro – Metros worldwide are an easy way to get around with a map in any language and even more so in Moscow. The cost of travel on the metro is a flat rate regardless of where you're traveling, so it's easy to buy a ticket using sign language.

Hint – if you wish to buy two separate tickets for two individuals from a teller, both go up to the counter, otherwise you may get one ticket valid for two trips.

You also need to pay for your luggage (the same price per piece as per person), however, when compared to the cost of travel elsewhere, this is still an inexpensive form of travel.

English is available on the ticket machines. There's not a lot of English available in the metro but English maps are available. The station names also are not clearly visible from inside the train, so it helps to count the stops. All lines are color coded so it only takes a day or two to get the hang of the Moscow Metro.

Getting to and from the airport without a taxi – Recommended for those traveling light (small suitcase). This could not be easier. Aeroexpress is now available from the major Moscow airports to the metro. Walking from the railway station to the metro may take a little negotiation, so have a copy of the metro map on hand to show people so they can point you in the right direction. Aeroexpress is a great alternative if your Moscow hotel is located near a metro stop

Waiting In Line – Russians spend a lot of time waiting in queues, so be prepared if you have to wait.

Is There A Doctor In The House? – Occidentally, the need arises when overseas to see a doctor. The American Medical Center in Moscow has English speaking staff and are ready to help. Phone ahead to make an appointment. There's a pharmacy just around the corner, too

When traveling, do not forget to take out travel insurance. Expect the unexpected. A trip to the doctor for a simple ailment in Moscow can cost $ 300.00. Imagine if a major accident was to occur.

If you can not afford travel insurance, you can not afford to travel

I loved Moscow. I'm sure you will, too.

Source by Kate Eggins

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