What Is Travel? Why Travel?

"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls." – Anais Nin

Travel, travel, travel … what is travel? Why travel?

A way of life, a state of mind, an identity or even a philosophy. A school of life that never stops to surprise you. The pursuit of rest, sun, comfort and adventure makes you to start a trip. A desire to explore, a change in scenery, meet new people and even share ideas. It is often an opportunity to dare new things.

Everyone travels, but the concept is unique and specific to everyone. Traveling is the level to be surprised. It's an adventure, the happiness to enjoy oneself, give a meaning to one's life, go beyond your comfort zone and boosts your confidence, have a vivid experience.

Hilarious escape

Traveling is to be free. We all need to discover ourselves and be ourselves. It is just going somewhere, whether familiar or new. It does not matter where you are going as long as you enjoy your destination, you are open to learning the places you visit and you discover yourself in the process.

This discovery takes time as it prompts an open-mindedness, it is a process that needs to be nurtured. A better life expression; a journey full of learning at its worst and achievement at its best. Being curious will lead you to something amazing and it encompasses a wide level of experiences.

Beautiful encounterers broadening one's horizons

"One's destination is never a place, but always a new way of seeing things." – Henry Miller

When we travel, we make beautiful and unexpected encounters. Some spend time with people they will never really know suddenless they are connected sometimes for a moment, intense feeling and sometimes in inexpressible situations. These people give you a brief look outside your country and helps you in engaging new and refreshing perspective.

We learn the simplest pleasures of life, we enjoy and savour little moments. Traveling is purely taking your time to relax, take a break from the routine. We explore different cultures and various modes of life, its worth to be noted that it is a passionate and refinanced exchange. A personal enrichment, we have a cultural improvement in terms of language, music and food.

Patience, tolerance, self-confidence

We discover new skills. With different encounters, other cultures: sharing and changes, modes of life, we realize that even if we live in the four corners of the globe, we are not so different. Ultimately, we realize that everyone is the same. It helps to develop patience and focus on ourselves. It is a propitious moment to think and learn about your limits, your fears, your desires and learn how to confront them, lead and achieve what you want. Adopt a Zen attitude.

Whatever the journey and wherever we travel, we benefit greatly, the best memory remains etched forever. Travel because you can and you want to and as it beats the monotony of staying at home.

Source by Gayetree Kaundun

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