Why It Is Possible to Travel Singapore Yourself

Singapore, a small nation located in the Southeast Asia, has been one of the favorite destinations for tourists around the world. Tourists love Singapore for its tourists attractions, diverse culture, and most importantly, it's food!

While many tourists visited Singapore by joining tour groups, there are many others who simply love to travel around Singapore themselves! Traveling Singapore yourself will not only save you money, you can decide your own tour, and even visit places tour agencies may not even know!

If you have doubts about traveling in Singapore yourself, then here are 3 reasons why it is possible to be your own tour guide in Singapore.

1. Most Singaporeans can communicate in simple English

If you can understand this article, there should not be any problems with you communicating with fellow Singaporeans, be it shopping in a supermarket or calling a taxi to bring you to your destination. Most Singaporeans can communicate in simple English, and probably with a tinge of local 'Singlish' accent.

Road signs, billboards, and street directions, are all written in simple English for easy understanding for locals and tourists. Here, you do not have to worry so much when you are finding your way yourself to your destination.

2. Getting around Singapore is easy

Singapore has its own advantages for being a small island – it makes traveling easy for everyone. Various modes of public transport – MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), Public Buses, Taxis / Cabs – can legally bring you to every corner on the island.

Commute between locations are usually less than an hour, depending on your mode of transport. Travel maps and directions are also placed at every MRT Station to help bring you to your destination via the shortest route possible. If you're not someone who like to travel on buses and trains, you can simply take the taxis, who will fetch you to any place you want to go!

3. Travel Guides are everywhere today!

Once upon a time, you have to rely on the local tour guide to tell you the fun and exciting things about Singapore. Today, you can find all those information everywhere! You can get a Singapore map from a hotel, or a travel guide book in a book store, or even go online to search for all the information you want to know about Singapore!

If you're an adventurous person who does not like to follow strict tour itinerary from travel agency, you can plan your own itinerary with the information you found online! It's your own travel vacation in Singapore after all, why not you be the one to choose the fun places you want to go to?

As you can see from the 3 reasons above, it is really possible, and easy to travel Singapore yourself! And what's more, it can definitely be a memorable experience for you!

Source by Marcus Ng D

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